How to stop feeding your ego, and feed your soul

Why is it that people who seem to have it all still find themselves empty inside and unhappy?

They are always seeking something outside of themselves to satisfy them. Most of the time these things are material possessions — a nice car, house or fancy designer clothes. I am not saying that these things are bad but they are not they key to happiness. Your ego is fed through different means and one of them is the constant need to acquire because the ego is never satisfied. Therefore, we continue to consume to find happiness in the external rather than connecting to our soul which is the true key to happiness.


In our society our egos have completely taken over our lives and have led us away from our heart. We have been programmed in certain ways to follow what society tells us and what society has made us believe is the key to happiness. The ego has completely been the driving force for us and it is a very destructive mechanism once it is allowed to fully take over. The ego is not bad, but its not meant to run your life as it has. The ego has to be harmonized and balanced. It is simply out of control, but we have been conditioned to think it is normal. I know in my own case it has been totally running the show along with my unbalanced energy body. Which creates a unbalanced ego driven human. This is the modern man today, totally out of touch with divinity.

I have studied many successful people who have accomplished a lot and have material and financial wealth but are missing internal happiness. Most of them have been feeding their egos and not their soul and find themselves after working extremely hard unsatisfied internally. This is because they are out of touch with their soul, and have not been feeding their soul enough. The ego will continue to dominate until you have done a substantial amount of spiritual work in order to balance yourself and align. It will naturally harmonize and become less loud once you are on your spiritual journey. Your ego will start to dissolve and you will experience an ego death. This does not mean it will die completely — it will not be the one driving the vehicle anymore. Your soul will. This process is difficult and complicated. It is something I have personally experienced, however it brings true inner peace once your ego starts to calm down and take the back seat. Everything will feel much more in flow and in alignment once your soul takes the wheel — no more fighting just surrendering.

For a long time I was feeding my ego and did not even know it. I was constantly chasing success and money and people who had success and money! At the end I found what I was looking for but it was not enough for me, I was unhappy. It was part of my journey and has made me who I am now and I am so grateful for the experiences and knowledge!

Therefore, from my own experience and studying others I know that happiness is internal, not external. It comes from a true connection to your soul and allowing your soul to lead the way. You have to harmonize and balance your ego so that it does not take over you. Your ego has desires that are sometimes excessive and unnecessary. It also likes to keep you in your comfort zone and have control over every scenario. It simply is not healthy if it is let loose, so balancing and recognizing when your ego is running the show is key.

It does not mean you forgo external desires completely, you simply have to detach from them. The key is to get into alignment then things will flow effortlessly to you and they will be in alignment for your highest joy! That is the difference between attracting from ego or soul — your soul will naturally draw in all your desires without struggle!

Your ego is here to keep you safe, and it externalizes everything in order to do so. It’s a rational and logical mechanism, without a superpower unlike your soul. Your ego is fed through acquiring, controlling and validating. This is how the ego gets even bigger and sometimes it completely shuts off the connection to your higher self. This can lead to all sorts of things like mental health issues and imbalances within the chakras.

Simple ways you can balance and harmonize the ego is by having a spiritual practice, connecting more to your heart and recognizing when your mind is ruling you. It is not that simple to get back in touch with your soul, it takes healing and integration however along the way the ego will gradually start balancing.


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