How to let go of attachments

Most of the time we cling onto familiar situations and won’t let go unless there is some kind of intervention. However, unless you let go of what no longer is serving you, you won’t evolve and you will remain stagnant. Your ego will keep you in stagnation, so it is important to understand that if it does not feel right anymore then its not right — don’t force something if it does not feel right. So unless you let go you won’t accelerate into higher levels and newer and better experiences!

This was true in my life, looking back now I did not want to let go of certain situations and it kept me stuck in a certain level of vibration which did not feel right anymore. Every time I let go, something even better came and greater experiences followed!

Once you do enough of the healing work, and you evolve past a certain lesson you jump vibrationally and the old starts to not feel in alignment anymore but most of the time we try to control ourselves to stay in the situation — Sacral Chakra imbalance. There is an attachment which can create the need to hold on.

The attachment is what keeps us stagnant, and it is related to the Sacral Chakra block. This causes us to be in resistance to the situation, which makes us tired and it drains us. The lower vibration of the situation that is no longer serving us pulls down and creates a mismatch and misalignment.

When the old does not resonate anymore then we have to free ourselves for our own expansion.

Energetically disconnect

In order to totally disconnect from the old situation (this applies more in relationships) we must energetically disconnect — this can involve doing some releasing and healing work. Also, cord cutting techniques might help with this too. Some people think that they can just jump from one situation to another without energetically disconnecting. This is not how it works. The old energy has to be processed and released in order to fully anchor in the new vibration.

The next level is much greater

I used to cling to relationships and situations afraid of letting go. But I discovered that the universe always brought me better and that the next level up was always going to be much greater!

In order to get to your greatest version of yourself you have to learn the art of letting go!

Detach from external validation

We have to get back to internal validation and sovereignty. We were programmed to always seek answers outside ourselves, which is not standing in our true divine power. Your answers lie within you! Tune into yourself and align to your higher self, that is the only answer you need. Not form your family, friends, romantic relationships or any other authority figure. We have to stop trying to seek externally, when everything is actually internal.

Let go of fear

Attachments are caused from fear, we are clinging to something that is safe. This causes codependency and issues surrounding this. Our society has perpetuated codependency and it is linked to unhealthy attachment. We must let go of the fear, and realize that we are clinging onto something that is safe but not for our highest good.

Always know that the universe is taking care of you!


How to stop feeding your ego, and feed your soul