Yoni steaming practice

Almost every woman has suffered from yoni imbalances throughout her life, specifically BV or a yeast infection. For me personally, I have suffered from some yoni imbalances for a few years now, I never knew the cause of it or why it kept persisting. For me it got worse when I had a copper IUD, which created more bacterial growth & many women experience similar. Instead of using harsh chemicals or antibiotics there are more natural remedies you can try, one being yoni steaming.

What is yoni steaming?

Yoni steaming is a practice where you sit over a bucket filled with hot water & herbs or oils. This allows the herb infused steam to cleanse your yoni of any bacteria or imbalances.

This is something I have started implementing in order to help with any imbalances that cause bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections.

You can also use yoni steaming for menstrual regulation & cramps. Depending on the herbs or oils you choose, will depend on the effect or what concern you wish to treat.

Steaming recipes

These are different herbs & oils you can use for specific concerns:

For BV or yeast:

oregano oil




orange peel

For menstruation:





In a medium-covered pot, pour about 8 cups of water (preferably purified water).

  1. Place one handful of fresh herbs of your choice. Do not add or use “essential oils” as they are too strong and may burn sensitive genital tissue. You can add oils but not “essential oils” for instance i use oil of oregano.

  2. Bring water to a soft boil for 5 minutes

  3. Turn off the heat, leave the lid on, and steep for another 5 minutes with the lid on

  4. It is very important to test the temperature of the steam before using it. If it is too hot wait 15 seconds and test it again until it feels comfortably warm to steam with

  5. Pour the water in your desired bucket

  6. Wave your hand over the herbal water to make sure it is not too hot

  7. Remove your underwear and sit on the seat above the steaming water

  8. Drape a large blanket or sheet around your waist down to the floor making sure no steam escapes

  9. Make sure you keep yourself warm, keeping something on your feet (socks, slippers) and neck. You do not want any cold to get into your body while you are trying to warm it

  10. You should feel a warm, rolling heat for about 10-12 minutes until you no longer feel the steam

Benefits of yoni steaming

  • Good for Dysmenorrhea (painful periods aka cramping)

  • Good for irregular periods

  • Helps with Endometriosis symptoms

  • Helps with vaginal disorders

  • Yeast infections and other vaginal bacteria

  • Support for Cervical Dysplasia

  • Vaginal dryness and painful intercourse

  • Helps with vaginismus

  • Increases cervical fluids

  • Helps relax the vaginal canal and cervix

  • Nourishes, cleanses & tonifies the uterine lining


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