The dark night of the soul

The dark night of the soul is something we all experience at some point during a spiritual ascension process. Usually when you begin awakening things start shifting fast & your vibration is instantly higher. Things are flowing & fun. But then the dark night of the soul starts & the real healing begins.

Welcome to the ego integration stage!

Or the ego death/refinement stage, where the ego will drive you bananas as it takes a back seat position.

The dark night is simply just intense healing that happens all of a sudden for a long period of time, in increments or can be short lived. Depends on your soul’s path & how much integration you need to do. Essentially it is you healing on a deep level & integrating your ego.

The dark night of the soul is mentioned a lot online, it is nothing but a deep emotional healing that is taking place & usually an ego death is witnessed. From my own personal experience, the dark night of the soul is when you are healing very deeply & feeling deeply making the ego react. So what is actually happening is you are purging emotionally & the ego is going crazy making you doubt the whole process, telling you to not trust it! This can be one way it could look like. It could also just be that you are feeling a lot, things seem hopeless & dark!

You will be feeling extreme ego chatter during this stage, which can drive you crazy. This is because your ego is taking a back seat role now & being integrated. This is one of the most integral parts of this journey & one of the toughest. However, it is necessary in order to live in alignment with your soul.

10 Signs you are in a dark night of the soul

  1. Deep wounds are surfacing from the past

  2. You feel so anxious, agitated, confused & a lot of resistance in your body as your ego tries to fight against this process

  3. You experience extreme negative emotions surrounding this journey, you don’t trust it

  4. Your ego is telling you to go back to old ways, old jobs that will keep you safe, old ways of being, old relationships, its telling you to go back to where it was safe

  5. You are in victim mentality, your ego is telling you that “this is not fair” or “why is this happening to me”

  6. Nothing is working out, things are falling apart & your reality is shifting but it is not what you want (or what your ego wants)

  7. You feel stuck & unmotivated to do anything

  8. You feel like you lost connection to your spirit guides or angels

  9. Everything is triggering you & you are very sensitive & vulnerable

  10. You feel deep sadness, depression, hopelessness & sometimes suicidal thoughts. You feel you simply cannot go on anymore

These are some of the top signs that you are in a dark night or ego integration process. This process is slightly different from healing. As healing is just you processing old/dark emotions which involves purging & clearing of the energy body. But the dark night of the soul involves the ego more, the ego is being restructured.

If you feel any of this & are struggling to cope, please reach out to me for a mentoring session. You need support on your journey from mentors who have been through this & can guide you. It is a very difficult period & you should never go through this alone if you feel like you need help!

Collectively, we are in a dark night of the soul & healing process. As the chaos of the world unfolds, we have the chance to really look at ourselves & shift our paradigm. This is what we are doing now. It is not an easy process & not everyone will wake up spiritually but a great many people are & still will.

My dear goddess, I just want to tell you that you got this if you are going through this crazy period. I know it feels tough right now but it is so essential for your growth & expansion. It is necessary for you to integrate your ego in order to have more peace, happiness & joy in your life.

Coping tools

  1. Surrender surrender surrender! I know this is hard when you are in this phase & you simply want to scream. But just try to relax, it will pass!

  2. Allow the ego to have its tantrum but detach from it. Once you recognize the ego chatter & start to notice it you can detach from it. But allow it to just happen, trust me it will pass & be much more calm

  3. Do not listen to the ego! This is a big one, because the ego will literally convince you to go back to old ways just to be safe. No we are not going backwards we are only evolving forward & you must not listen to the ego’s advice

  4. Self-care! Make sure you are taking the time of nurture yourself. I say this all the time, you need to put your self-love & self-care first during this phase. Take a break, take time off. Take a sensual bath. Usually during this phase your higher-self will arrange that you are not doing much because you simply cannot. You need to rest

  5. Don’t force yourself to do anything, you won’t be feeling motivated or creative. Which is fine, this is a rest & integration period. A chance to feel & integrate the ego for your evolution

  6. Don’t listen to others who have no idea what you are going through, in fact try to keep this to yourself or seek a mentor. Do not share with friends or family who have no idea what this is, they will just make you feel worse about yourself! You don’t owe them an explanation, you are on your soul’s journey & you are supported

  7. REST, I just have to say it again because you won’t be in a space to work or do anything. In fact it would be against your soul’s highest good to do anything but rest

  8. This too shall pass so stop worrying! You are exactly where you need to be & experiencing exactly what you need to get higher! During this phase we worry too much because the ego fills us with negativity but we must detach as much as possible

  9. Allow everything to naturally unfold, don’t fight it. Don’t fight your feelings just allow them to come up & surface. You are powerful & will get through it & come out much lighter & brighter!

  10. Drink plenty of water & take an adrenal vitamin to help calm the nervous system which is on overload during this phase


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