Spiritual awakening & spiritual ascension

A lot of us are going through what is known a spiritual awakening or ascension process. This is happening globally & started in 2020 on a grand scale but the process itself has been going on for several decades now with humanity waking up & evolving their consciousness to higher levels. We are currently going through a huge shift, leaving the old paradigm & stepping into the new earth paradigm or 5D consciousness. This new paradigm has long been predicted & prophesied to occur, bringing with it a whole new age & a higher vibrational reality. However, each soul comes with a plan in place, all souls have chosen whether they wish to evolve with the earth to the new earth paradigm or not. Therefore, not all souls will continue into ascension with the planet to this new age/paradigm.

This is why a lot of changes are occurring now & many timelines are at play here. But the future of the planet is going to look very different moving forward as these changes continue. Currently, we are seeing a split in timelines occurring — those still in the old 3D paradigm & those souls that are stepping into the new earth or 5D paradigm. This is very evident as there is a clear divide in humanity right now, with the awakened population being completely on a different consciousness level to the “asleep” or 3D consciousness population. Therefore, there are now two groups of people on planet earth, which is very evident & this will continue to expand into the future.

I guide newly awakened women who are starting their ascension process & healing. A lot of women are finding it extremely challenging & need a lot of support on this path. Having gone through it myself I know the challenges that come with it. A lot are finding it difficult to cope with the emotional, mental, spiritual & sometimes physical aspects of this process. There are different stages to this process & the beginning stage or when you first awake is one of the most challenging stages. Currently, we are witnessing a mass awakening & it will continue to increase as we navigate these rapidly changing energies that are shifting things very quickly on a global scale.

Signs you are having a spiritual awakening: (First stages)

  1. You start to question the status quo, political agendas, government, medical industry, education etc

  2. You start to question everything you knew from religion, to everything you were taught in school

  3. You feel isolated from society, wanting space & distance

  4. Seeking information online, researching & going to alternative sources

  5. You start to see the world in a different way, new light & perception changes

  6. You crave to connect to your soul & find deeper meaning in life

  7. Sometimes the first stages of awakening are linked to ego death or “dark night of the soul” (you can see the blog post on this)

  8. You start to feel anger, fear, emotional instability & depression

  9. Your old ways, behaviours, lifestyle & job is not satisfying you anymore

  10. Relationships change, disagreements happen & feeling like you are no longer on the same page as your old relationships

When you go through a spiritual awakening, you are going through a consciousness shift. Which means you are detaching yourself from the current paradigm of the lower vibrational control matrix otherwise known as our 3D world. Once the awakening happens the ascension process begins along with the healing process. The ascension is when you start to heal from the lower vibrational energies or old paradigm system & elevate your vibration to a much higher frequency that matches the new earth paradigm. Earth is shifting quickly & the ascension happens through the light frequencies that come onto the planet elevating consciousness by clearing density. Like I mentioned before, not everyone chose to evolve with the planet at this time as many souls still need to learn from the 3D matrix in place. However, the 3D matrix on this planet is ending because earth is ascending & the vibrations are getting a lot higher which does not support the old out-dated paradigm.

Once you go through the first stage of awakening you then start the ascension process & healing. This does not mean it doesn’t happen simultaneously or even months or years apart, it all depends on the soul’s plan. Your healing might not start until years after your awakening process, or it might start right away. The ascension or healing process is when you are receiving a lot of light into your body which is bringing up your density & shadows for you to witness & transmute. The healing process is basically the same as the ascension, the ascension energies are streaming into the planet now upgrading our bodies into the new 5D vessels. This means we are shifting from carbon to crystalline beings. This process is long & steady but it is happening rapidly now, we are healing very quickly & aligning with our new higher versions of ourselves. This spiritual healing process means that you are healing all your chakras & any traumas associated with each chakra, like I mention the feminine healing happens in the sacral chakra, check out the “Sacral Chakra Healing” blog page for more.

The ascension energies support our healing process into our divine blueprint, which means our higher-self or divine version of us lead by our soul. The ascension process is evolving us into crystalline fully healed & balanced 5D consciousness beings without ego. This is the process we are going through now collectively, not everyone is participating in this huge shift but a vast number of the population is moving closer & closer to our divine-self or our Christ-self through ascension. Through this process we are slowly anchoring in a lot of light & shifting our collective reality to reflect our new evolved self. Which means a lot of changes will happen in our political, medical, education, & economic structures as the current ones are simply too lower vibrational & do not support the 5D consciousness paradigm.

The ascension process is not easy, it is a very difficult process of dealing with all your darkness inside that you may not even know is there. This is because we can not become fully light beings without transmuting the darkness first & addressing the dark. As the light streams onto the planet it reveals the darkness on a personal level & collectively. This is exactly what is occurring now & it is not easy but rather painful. However, the rewards are many as shifting to 5D consciousness is enabling you to function in a much higher frequency which is all about unconditional love, bliss, abundance, joy, ecstasy, peace & living according to your higher-self. These emotions are all accessible more & more once your vibration reaches closer to the 5D frequency. However, ascension is a rollercoaster because you are always jumping from 3D to 5D frequencies, not to mention 4D which is the state in between 3D & 5D which is all about dealing with the darkness & disconnecting from the 3D. It can all be very confusing, challenging & truly a roller coster ride.

Ascension symptoms: (2nd stages)

  1. Emotional instability, up & down emotionally as you deal with many suppressed dark energies within you

  2. Body aches, muscle aches, general body discomfort

  3. Fatigue, needing to rest A LOT, your body is going through a lot of upgrades

  4. Old fears coming to the surface, triggers & old patterns showing up

  5. Waking up between 2-4 am - you are processing a lot in your sleep time

  6. Feeling as though you are in a pressure cooker or in intense energy

  7.  Disorientation — loss of a sense of place. You are not in 3D anymore, as you have moved or in the process of moving into the higher realms

  8. Memory loss

  9. Connecting more to your soul, starting meditation or other spiritual practices

  10. Loss of identity, loss of direction, your old self is dying & you are transforming to live in alignment with your higher-self

  11. Desire for certain foods, or food intolerances, going vegan or craving meat

  12. Unmotivated, not feeling the same desire for things you used to love doing

  13. A feeling of wanting to go home

  14. Anxiety & panic attacks

  15. Nightmares & dreaming a lot

  16. Old life breaking down, nothing working out, plans change — refer to “Dark Night of the Soul” blog post

  17. Deep depression, deep sorrow, sadness, confusion

  18. Flu-like symptoms

A lot of ascension or healing that happens brings up different symptoms based on which chakra is being healed. Refer to “Sacral Chakra Healing” for the feminine healing component which is what my work focuses on. Most of these symptoms mentioned are basic ascension symptoms which affects your mental, emotional, spiritual & physical body.

The new 5D Feminine in the new paradigm

I was clearly shown recently that I am evolving to be the new embodiment of the 5D woman, the new version of the feminine in this new paradigm we are stepping into.

This is why a lot of feminine healing had to happen for me in order to restore the balance & to regain the lost divine feminine energy internally. This all starts within us, all women have in them the goddess codes & ability to stand in their divine feminine power once they start healing their traumas from the old paradigm. The new paradigm is all about the goddess power & feminine power! This is truly so exciting & I am feeling this within myself more & more as I heal all the dark aspect within myself especially everything in my womb & sacral chakras. The goddess power was lost in the old paradigm & literally non-existent as women held too many feminine blocks preventing them from their true power & worth. This is now being restored & healed as many women are on their ascension path healing back to their true divine -self in order to align with the new earth energies.

The feminine healing is so vital as it is the distorted feminine energies that caused a big imbalance on the planet. I am one of the first wave of women to become fully healed & integrated with my higher-self which allows me to be the guide & mentor for other women as well as many more in the future! I am now able to share my goddess codes with other women!

The healing of the feminine energies is the top priority as the feminine is exceedingly of balance & is a critical way-shower & leader for the masculine.


My experience with kundalini


Kundalini awakening