My experience with kundalini

When my kundalini first activated I was very confused as to what was happening to my body & did not have any knowledge of energy or spirituality. My ego was actually fighting it & thinking it was something completely different but it was just my kundalini that was activated.

It started off as sexual energy in my root chakra, a lot of random sexual sensations & random orgasms which were quite shocking as well as uncomfortable. I was not prepared at all for this kind of energy & was completely unaware of exactly what was happening. This is why it is not advised to try to activate this energy prematurely, usually one has to go through some energetic upgrades before they can actually sustain & handle this voracious energy. When my kundalini activates or rises it always creates symptoms related to my lower chakras, specifically the sacral chakra. I recall that the energy would activate at different stages of my life & it would always be stuck in my lower chakras clearing any blockages. However, this would manifest & trigger all my issues in those chakras including a lot of physical symptoms. From my experience, kundalini is changing the physical structure specifically rewiring of the nervous system at a rapid pace, therefore there are a lot of physical symptoms that are associated with the kundalini awakening.

If the kundalini rises & hits an energy block in a chakra this causes lots of physical issues & it can be very uncomfortable. For me it was always causing bladder issues & general pain in the lower abdominal. I believe this is related to stored anger in that area & just ancestral trauma. However, I recently discovered that my condition would worsen during kundalini because of the stress response of my body which would elevate my bladder symptoms. Currently, it is in the process of being healed & the kundalini energy is definitely helping in this process even though there are some short-term adverse effects. The kundalini will rewire your DNA structure, thus change your cells. This is the purpose of kundalini to transform you into your highest divine expression.

The kundalini energy is INTENSE, so if you are questioning if you are going through a kundalini rising or not — you will know! The energy is so powerful you will feel it in your body along with a feeling of transformation. For me it left me very weak, lethargic & barely able to do my regular routine. Basically crippled & bed bound! I also experienced a lot of physical discomfort because the symptoms are very powerful. The energy fluctuates from creating havoc to more pleasant symptoms like bliss & euphoria, which are some of the more positive symptoms of this energy. Along with a biological change which is felt after the energy has worked through the system rewiring the entire body, this energy will reverse aging, increase youth & vitality, eliminate lower dense energies from your body so your overall vibration increases as a result.

The kundalini stopped rising for almost a year, but the intense kundalini healing began in 2020, when it was activated at great intensity. This is when a tangible amount of healing of my feminine blocks happened in my lower chakras including my sacral which resulted in my feminine power reclamation. Before that I had a very blocked sacral chakra which affected my feminine energy, however after a great amount of clearing & months of suffering I finally regained my divine feminine essence!


For me the symptoms fluctuate but have increasingly gotten more intense as the kundalini continues to cleanse my system. The kundalini is there to transform you, it is essentially a death & rebirth process. Therefore, this process is quite intense & is not to be taken lightly, it definitely causes a lot more symptoms than a regular energetic upgrade. That’s because the kundalini breaks through deep seated energies, karmic energies, ancestral energies & transforms them changing your whole genetic make up & as a result body. It transfigures the nervous system & rewires it. As trauma is stored in the nervous system, therefore it has to be transfigured. Moreover, it is a great stress on your adrenal system, this is why you feel exhaustion, lethargy & general fatigue as if your body has been under a lot of stress & exertion. Which is true, your body is basically going through a great amount of stress to rebuild itself. Therefore, like I mentioned above it is more of a physical process than anything else. You will of course experience spiritual, emotional & mental phenomena, but in my case it was a very physical & biological process.

What I experienced:

  1. Bodily aches, when energy is released from certain chakras it can radiate in different body areas including legs & arms

  2. Old illness manifesting or flaring up

  3. Bladder issues

  4. Digestive issues, bloating, gas & acid reflux when the energy is working in the solar/heart chakra

  5. Heat or cold in chakras

  6. Kriyas or body twitching

  7. Pain or discomfort in the abdominal area, or upper abdominal

  8. Lethargy, tiredness, body feels heavy & stiff

  9. Nerves feel deactivated, feeling like you can barely move, limp & sluggish body

  10. Feeling like you have weights on your body - great heaviness

  11. Feeling tired after you woke up, like you have no energy at all

  12. Vivid dreams

  13. Enhanced senses, taste is enhanced food is tasing better, vision is clearer, colours appear brighter etc

  14. Random food cravings, eating a lot, ravenous appetite or no appetite

  15. Feeling energy in the back up your spine

  16. Lower back pain

  17. Burping - solar plexus clearing

  18. Feeling lost, confused. Depressed. Suicidal. Sometimes no emotions at all, apathy - I felt very emotionally empty

  19. Ego refinement or ego death (Refer to “Dark Night of The Soul”)

  20. Throbbing in arms or legs


When the kundalini is in your sacral & womb healing your feminine centers these could be some symptoms:

  1. Stabbing pain or pressure in womb & sacral area

  2. General aches in the abdominal area

  3. Digestive issues

  4. Bladder issues or discomfort

  5. Bloating & gas

  6. Feeling the kundalini energy at the lower back on your spine

  7. Legs aching & pressure

  8. Sexual sensations, sexual arousal & orgasms, pulsation in your yoni or rose this relates to sexual clearings & clearing the nervous system

When there is a blockage in that chakra & the kundalini cannot travel up, you will experience some or all of these symptoms, just know that it will eventually work through the block. Refer to coping tips below to help with this.


The kundalini process is a great undertaking & stress on your body as it will rewire your cells at great speed. Therefore, you have to take care of your body during this time. Here are some of the things I did for myself during this intense process:

Food & supplements

Usually during the kundalini awakening your appetite will fluctuate; you might be very hungry or no appetite. For me I would crave carbs, this is needed for the body as a lot of energy is used in this rewiring process.

I would recommend eating everything you are craving & do not restrict your body. I usually have a detox routine I do everyday but I stop when the kundalini is awakened & eat whatever I am craving. This includes meat, carbs, eggs & chocolate & Keto cookies — a high fat diet was appealing to me. I was eating like an elephant on most days that the kundalini was most active! Which is totally normal!

Supplements are important too, specifically ones that support your adrenals which are very much on overload during this process.

Below is one I use to support my adrenals:

I recommend magnesium & vitamin B complex. I also took L-Lysine when I was super exhausted which is an amino acid that helps your body to rebuild itself.



When you are going through spiritual healing your self-care needs to be 15/10. That is the only way to get through spiritual healing & personally what I had to do for myself in order to get through it. I found that when I was going through my intense kundalini rewiring I would redraw from society & need a lot of alone time. I had no interest in seeing anyone or being on social media. I just needed to rest & be in a quiet space. This is normal & it is advised you retreat for a while as this energy will take every inch out of you which will make you want to just be alone & rest. Which is exactly what I did. My kundalini would be very active at night which would allow for much integration & rewiring to occur. A lot of the activity mostly occurring at night time & you will feel the energy at its peak during these hours. During the day you will feel tired. Just honour that & go with it. Take baths, go out in nature if you can (I couldn’t most days) so I just rested. I would recommend a heating pad when the aches & pains are too much to handle.

Energy healing

I personally need energy healing when there are blockages & the kundalini cannot travel up. Sometimes the energy may get stuck & create a lot of symptoms which are unpleasant, the best way to move the energy is through energy healing. This is something I do on myself & within minutes the block is shifted & energy is released. I help clients with this in our personal sessions, reach out to me if you need this.


I do acupuncture once in a while when the kundalini energy is at its peak & I need help shifting & moving the energy. This is something that has helped me tremendously as well as my energy healing on myself. I recommend it if you are experiencing a lot of negative symptoms or blockages.


Yoga helped me move the energy & relief systems of all kinds including stomach issues & digestive problems.





Spiritual awakening & spiritual ascension