Energy Protection

Energy protection is all about setting the right boundaries and serving yourself first. Number one rule in spirituality — put yourself first! This does not mean in a selfish way, this means healing yourself first and listening to your own needs before you tend to other’s needs! You absolutely should be serving others through your joy, but this takes putting yourself first!

We were taught to always put others first — this is completely backwards. How can you serve others when you are broken and unbalanced? Always put your needs first, because who else will? If you are always putting yourself last and serving everyone around you then what is left for you? The most important relationship is the one with yourself, cultivate it through listening to you and serving yourself!


We have been programmed to believe that family is very important and that we should be putting our needs last and our family first, no no and no this is such a backwards concept and I see this too often! Some cultures are worse than others and they really brainwash you to neglect your needs and always put the family first. You don’t owe your family anything and wise versa. We are all sovereign beings and we need to let go of these attachments that someone owes me something just because they are related to me by blood. Your family is simply there to guide you through your own journey, they will reflect to you your deepest wounds and highlight for you what you need to work on and one of those things might be setting boundaries with them! You have to evaluate if you are over giving wth your family, this creates an imbalance of energy exchange which depletes you. 

Your family may not be at the same vibration as you once you start your healing/transformation journey. This means you will slowly start to drift away from them and not resonate with them anymore. This is another reason that attachments to family and culture is not serving your highest good. You will find that most of the time you stop resonating with all the family conditioning and ways of being. You start developing your own ways that are not a vibrational match to your family. You start functioning at a higher vibration than your family and you realize that you no longer have the same mindset. This is normal and part of the journey you are on! Do not try to mold yourself back to what your family expects from you, because this is very limiting and your goal is to get passed all limitations and fly! You are here to evolve and do not let anyone stop you! 

One way you may get stuck in the family programming is by the guilt and maybe shame that comes around following your own path. There is nothing wrong with drifting away from others — its just vibrational. Trying to stick with your family is just dragging you down to a lower vibration that you have already surpassed and up levelled from. So why would you go backwards now? Keep going forward, distance yourself from you family if you feel unhappy in their presence. You will know if you need to do this, and there is nothing wrong with this. You are just evolving! 


It is the same with friends, but it is easier to let go of friends than family. Your friends will highlight and reflect to you aspects of you, but once you have up levelled your friends might stop resonating. This happened to me many times throughout my life and especially when you are on a spiritual journey, people will come and go more often. They are just teachers that are here to help you. Appreciate them while they are around and don’t be afraid to let go when you feel that it is time. 

Remember, setting boundaries with friends is important, do not think you need to keep your friends in first priority. If friendships are starting to feel off and unbalanced then it is time to let go. Avoid depleting yourself by over giving, this can be as simple as talking to friends for too long on the phone and not having time for yourself.

Romantic Relationships 

It is very important to set boundaries in your romantic relationships, evaluate if you are too attached and over giving in order to receive love and feel validated. Most of the time if you have an imbalance within you (wounded feminine) it will be reflected in all your relationships. If you have wounds like co-dependancy then you will find yourself depleting your energy in order to prove to your partner that you are worthy of love. You will be giving them too much attention — this is unhealthy! I used to talk to my partner for hours about his issues until he felt better. But how did it make me feel? Depleted and tired. I sacrificed my sleep to stay up and talk to him to make him feel better about himself! This is called an unhealthy relationship! Toxic actually. Because you should not have to spend hours convincing someone they are worthy! They should find worth within themselves. This is called a co-dependent relationship which is something I have a lot of experience with, and I am so grateful I evolved past these kinds of relationships. They were reflecting to me my own wounds which needed healing. I used to spend so much of my time validating the other person in order to feel worthy myself! Healing wounds that will cause these energetic imbalances is the key to solving these kinds of issues. They are all coming from a wound that needs to be nurtured, this wound will cause energetic imbalances externally. 

My Energy Management/Protection Tools: 

  1. Set healthy boundaries

  2. Evaluate relationships

  3. Put yourself first!

  4. Heal imbalances within you


How to get into flow

